Aries Birthday Month Forecast

Does love really make the world go round or is it the grimmer realities of money, work and status that keep everything in motion? Expect March to ask that question insistently. The realities of how you earn a pound or three are certainly not going away according to your ruler Mars, which remains ensconced in your zone of hard graft for months to come. It isn’t so bad, however – with the red planet helpfully aligned mid-month, you can reap financial rewards for your efforts (not least from energy you invested last year), plus win admiring nods from the heavy hitters in your profession. Everything to play for then.

The synergy at work in your ‘scope is nonetheless compromised by the pesky retrograde of messenger Mercury, which turns backwards in your skies from the 12th until April 4th, requiring you to be tiresomely specific in all matters of communication – expect tweets to fall flat, e-mails to bounce and snail mail to be wrongly delivered. It’s do-everything-twice time.

All of which might make the advent of your birthday month on March 20 a less than obvious leap into spring. Don’t be fooled by a few details going awry. The new Moon of March 22 is a pivotal moment in your year, with developments in the final week of the month casting a long shadow into the future. Push hard for what you want while recognising that the rest of the world doesn’t necessarily share your impatience. The electric, inspirational qualities associated with the planet Prometheus/Uranus remain a signature for 2012, especially for March birthdays.

Deciding whether love keeps planet earth turning is likely best left until the end of the month. With the Sun in a secretive and reflective sector of your ‘scope until the 20th, a little silent communion with your romantic soul is in order. Venus leaves your skies on the 5th, when it opposes Saturn; a moment when realism is likely to triumph over hope.