Astrology: A Precise System Of Correlations

There are many definitions of Astrology. My definition of Astrology is that it is an art and science originating in ancient times in which precise mathematical correlations are measured between the movements of celestial bodies in the sky and us humans on earth. It can also be thought of as a form of divination that uses the sun, moon and planets in a chart called the Zodiac based on ones date of birth as well as time of birth.

There are many cultures that use astrology. Western and Indian astrology share the idea of the horoscope system. Both of them use planetary influences in a chart and link astrological signs to the celestial bodies. The main difference is that Indian Astrology uses the sidereal zodiac, which links the signs of the zodiac to their original constellations while Western astrology uses the tropical zodiac. What happens in Western Astrology is that because of the phenomenon of the equinoxes over many centuries the twelve western zodiac signs no longer correspond to their original constellations. It no longer exists in Western astrology, which is why modern science has trouble accepting it.

Chinese astrology is another different type of astrology not related to western or Indian astrological practices. The Chinese astrology is a system that corresponds to one of twelve “double hours that rule a day and to one of twelve months. In Chinese astrology each Zodiac sign rules one year as well as combines a system based on the five Chinese elements to give a 60 (12 x 5) cycle. This system of astrology with variations is also found in Japan, Vietnam and Thailand as well as other Asian Countries.

Most people are familiar with a simplistic version of astrology based on ones Sun sign. Basically this is one of the twelve zodiac signs that rule a particular month. Based on ones birth date the Sun sign is found by the correlating month the Sun sign rules. You can find this type of astrological generic information in newspapers, online etc. However to get an in depth astrological chart you need to know your time of birth as well.

When an astrologer plots an astrology chart it is based on a circle with 12 equal portions in it called the Zodiac. Being that a circle is 360 degrees each portion is 30 degrees. In addition to ones birth sign, which is where the sun was placed at date of your birthday, there are other factors that go into an astrology chart. Ones rising sign or ascendant and moon signs are next in importance. While your sun sign is how you present yourself in the world as who and what you are about, your moon sign is about your inner self and feelings while your rising sign is how others perceive you or your self image.

Each one of the 12 portions on a chart is ruled by a planet and sign. Depending on what planet is where in relation to the time of your birth are called aspects. Some aspects have a strong influence in ones chart and others have a weak influence. There are also the 4 elements, Fire, Earth, Air and Water that each sign is associated with that further gives incite into the personality of a person. All together it is the Sun sign, rising and moon sign as well as the aspects and elements that help define the information needed to give a complete astrological picture of a person or situation.